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271 LXII September/December 2014
Scientific Director Alessandro Zennaro

Review - Rassegna

Within the scientific literature the debate on the theoretical foundation of emotional intelligence (EI) is still heated. One of the most prominent models of EI is that of trait EI or trait emotional self-efficacy, which conceptualizes EI as a constellation of emotional self-perceptions located at the lower levels of personality hierarchies. The present work is aimed to review research supports concerning the utility of trait EI in the prediction of criteria related to health and socioemotional well-being. To address this issue, the authors evaluate 77 peer-reviewed articles that used the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) as a measure of trait EI. The TEIQue instruments provide the most comprehensive operationalization of EI conceptualized as a trait. Research findings across samples of adults, adolescents, and children are reviewed in separate sections. Potential directions for future research are presented.

BPA271S1 - A systematic review on the Predictive Utility of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue)

€ 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi

ABSTRACT. Per Intelligenza Emotiva (IE) come tratto si intende una costellazione di autopercezioni e disposizioni correlate alle emozioni, e attinenti al dominio della personalità. La presente rassegna sistematica ha l’obiettivo di fornire un’analisi critica della letteratura sul costrutto di IE come tratto, operazionalizzato tramite il Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue). Particolare attenzione è rivolta a quegli studi che hanno esaminato le relazioni tra il costrutto e variabili psicologiche legate alla salute e al benessere socio-emozionale, in campioni di individui adulti e in età evolutiva.

BPA271S1 - A systematic review on the Predictive Utility of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue)

€ 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi

Research - Ricerche

Block-building games require skills such as classification, measurement, organization, and enumeration, which are relevant for Mathematics, in association with the ability to visualize through mental imagery. The aim of this research was to test the relationships among competence in building-block, mental imagery, and mathematical abilities while controlling for

gender and for the child’s general intellectual ability. The sample consisted of 160 fourth and fifth grade students, 77 males and 83 females, age range 9-11 years. An evaluation grid for assessing performance in building-block play, standardized tasks aimed at measuring mental imagery, and the AC-MT test of arithmetic, were used as instruments. Grades in mathematics were also recorded, and non-verbal reasoning was assessed by Raven’s Progressive Matrices test. The results demonstrated that ability in both building blocks and imaginative tasks significantly predicts arithmetic performance. General intellectual ability is a significant covariate in these relations, while gender differences appear to be irrelevant at this age.

BPA271R1 - Can playing and imagining aid in Learning Mathematics? € 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi

Lo scopo principale del presente studio è stato quello di indagare la relazione che intercorre tra il gioco con le costruzioni, l’apprendimento della matematica e le immagini mentali, tenuto conto che i meccanismi e le abilità cognitive sottostanti tale relazione non sono stati ancora del tutto definiti. La ricerca, che ha coinvolto 160 bambini dai 9 agli 11 anni, ha messo in evidenza come il gioco con i mattoncini sia pensato per sviluppare le abilità logico-matematiche, rappresentando, insieme alle immagini mentali, uno strumento utile a veicolare le basi sulle quali costruire successivamente gli apprendimenti matematici.

BPA271R1 - Can playing and imagining aid in Learning Mathematics? € 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi

This work highlights the concept of innovation by presenting the main theoretical contributions relating to its antecedents at the three levels of analysis (individual, group, and organization or context). In particular, it focuses on the characteristic of proactive personality and on problem solving demand in relation to innovative behaviour, since they are variables – the first individual and the second contextual. The aim of this research was to verify the direct and positive relation of a proactive personality and problem solving demand with innovative behaviour by involving 208 employees (doctors, nurses and technicians) from a hospital in the region of Tuscany (Italy). The hierarchical multiple regression shows that problem solving demand in work situations is related to innovative behavior and that proactive personality moderate the relation between problem solving demands and innovative work behavior. Practical implication, limitations, and suggestions for further researches are showcased.

BPA271R2 - The positive relationship between problem solving demand and innovative work behaviour in the health sector € 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi

Il presente lavoro si articola attraverso un’evidenza del concetto di innovazione presentando i principali contributi teorici relativi agli antecedenti nei tre livelli di analisi (livello individuale, livello di gruppo e livello di organizzazione). La presente ricerca, svolta in un contesto sanitario della Regione Toscana, ha voluto verificare l’effetto diretto della personalità proattiva nelle situazioni di lavoro in quanto strategico per prevedere e orientare la performance lavorativa, le

prestazioni riguardanti il compito, nonché altri aspetti di prestazione. Pertanto, l’analisi dei moderatori suggerisce che la personalità proattiva è fortemente correlata ad un tipo di orientamento flessibile al ruolo, e questo implica che la personalità proattiva, in situazioni di alta problem solving demand, potrà favorire l’introduzione di comportamenti innovativi.

BPA271R2 - The positive relationship between problem solving demand and innovative work behaviour in the health sector € 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi

Experiences & Tools - Strumenti

The psychometric properties of the Parental Alliance Measure (PAM) were examined in a large community sample of 1444 Italian parents (722 mothers and 722 fathers) of children aged one to 14 years. Confirmatory Factor Analyses were carried out for the combined sample of parents and confirmed a two correlated factor model, named Communication-Team Work and Respect. Internal consistency estimates of the PAM total score and factors were good. Multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analyses were carried out to assess the structural invariance of PAM across parenting gender role. Furthermore, Students test were carried out to evaluate the influence of parental gender role, confirming findings in the extant literature. Divergent validity of the PAM was supported by its negative correlations with a measure of parenting stress, the Parental Stress Index (PSI-SF; Abidin, 1997). The predictor role of co-parental alliance on both parents’ stress was also assessed.

BPA271E1 - Construct validity of the Parental Alliance Measure in a sample of 1444 Italian parents € 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi

Scopo del lavoro è stata l’analisi delle proprietà psicometriche e la validità di costrutto del Parental Alliance Measure (PAM) in un ampio campione non clinico di 1444 genitori italiani di bambini da 1 a 14 anni. È stata confermata la presenza di due fattori correlati: Comunicazione e Rispetto e l’invarianza strutturale per padri e madri. Infine, è stato esaminato il ruolo di predittore dell’alleanza co-parentale sullo stress di entrambi i genitori con il Parenting Stress Index (PSI-SF; Abidin, 1997).

BPA271E1 - Construct validity of the Parental Alliance Measure in a sample of 1444 Italian parents € 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi