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Research - Ricerche

Introduction: This research investigates the relation between impulsive purchases of clothing, personality traits and emotions of purchasers. It is also investigated if impulsive purchases differ across genders. Aim: The model hypothesizes that: impulsive clothing consumption is affected by extroversion, conscientiousness, negative emotions and positive emotions; moreover, impulsive clothing consumption influences monthly clothing expenditure. Method: Participants were 311 Italian adult consumers; data were collected via a structured questionnaire. Structural equation models were used to test the model. Results: Results showed that, for women, impulsive purchase is a full mediator between emotions (positive/negative) and monthly clothing expenditures. Instead, for men, impulsive purchase is a partial mediator between the same variables. Conclusion: Consumers seem to be more prone to purchasing products impulsively when they experience positive consumption-related emotions and less prone when negative emotions are felt.

BPA278R1 - Impulsive Consumption: Gender, Personality Traits and Emotions € 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi

The aim of this research was to explore and conceptualize the adaptation process activated by prison workers relating to the current organizational change that is characterizing the Italian prison system. To achieve the present goals, it has been selected the Grounded Theory methodology (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) with a sample constituted by 121 prison workers coming from four Italian regions (Lombardia, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Campania). Results showed many important elements of similarity between the various professionals, despite the difference of role, geographical origin and type of institute. The most important transversal element emerged about the perception of the problems in relation to two main levels of reading, the first concerning the organizational dimension and the second concerning the intrapsychic-relational dimension. Furthermore, elements of homogeneity also emerged in the range of mentioned emotions, often characterized by highly negative connotation.

BPA278R2 - Representations and feelings related to organizational change: A Grounded Theory study with Italian prison workers € 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi

Introduction: Borderline Intellectual Functioning (BIF) is often investigated with other clinical conditions, but little it is known about the cognitive functioning of children with this intellectual performance. Methods: Starting from the scientific debate about the relationship between intellectual performance and executive and cognitive functioning, the present study uses the Planning, Attention, Simultaneous and Successive (PASS) theory to explore the cognitive functioning of 28 children with BIF. Results: Results suggest the presence of weaknesses in the verbal domain of intelligence and in the cognitive profile, particularly concerning Planning and Attention. Conclusions: The cognitive functioning is discussed in its relationship with the different profiles and the behavioral problems associated.

BPA278R3 - Cognitive and intellectual performance of children with borderline intellectual functioning: An explorative study € 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi

Experiences & Tools - Strumenti

Introduction: Previously factor analytic research on the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III) using different factor extraction procedures, found three or four factors. In particular, Rossi, van der Ark, and Sloore (2007), through a sophisticated research design that examined and compared various aspects of the factor structure of the MCMI-III, identified a four-factor solutions for both male and female subsamples and for both linearly dependent and independent scales. The aim of this study was to explore the factor structure of the Italian version of the MCMI-III using both linearly dependent and independent scales, to evaluate gender differences, and to compare our results with the Dutch and American factor structure. Method: The present study used a sample of 881 psychiatric patients of Northern and Central Italy. Principal Factor Analysis with direct oblimin rotation was performed for the entire sample and for both men and women. Results: We identified four factors that were similar for men and women, but we found differences in content between solutions with overlapping and non-overlapping scale. The four-factor solution was similar to the Dutch one and the first two factors were congruent with the three-factor solution proposed in American studies. Conclusions: Taken together, our findings indicate that the factor structure of the MCMI-III is consistent across countries.

BPA278E1 - The Factor Structure of the Italian version of the MCMI-III compared to the Dutch and American versions € 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi

Introduction: The risk for nurses to be exposed to workaholism is widely demonstrated in the relevant international literature; however, this does not seem to be paid sufficient study and analysis in Italy. The Italian adaptation of the Dutch Workaholism Scale (DUWAS) comprises the working excessively (WE) and working compulsively (WC) scales. Method: A group of 485 Italian nurses, balanced in terms of gender and seniority, compiled the DUWAS questionnaire. The Rasch model was used to analyse the retrieved data, which helped to identify nurses at risk of workaholism. Results: The WE and WC scales within the DUWAS show low internal consistency, some points of contact, and appear to relate to each other. About 18% of the group of subjects shows a workaholic profile, and approximately 29% are at risk of becoming workaholic. Conclusions: This study contributes to improve the validation of the Italian version of the DUWAS, and helps to assess workaholism in nursing, a crucial healthcare profession.

BPA278E2 - The Italian version of the Dutch Workaholism Scale (DUWAS): A study on a group of nurses

€ 5.90 + iva Carrello Accedi